I have an Undergraduate and MSc in Economics (NOVA School of Business and Economics), a MSc in Urban and Regional Planning (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) and a PhD in Urban Planning (Universidade Lusófona).
I work at CATÓLICA-LISBON, Portugal, with the following roles:
- Senior Economist/Forecaster, Católica Lisbon Forecasting Lab | NECEP.
- Researcher, Católica Lisbon Research Unit in Business & Economics | CUBE (UID/GES/00407/2020).
- Invited Teaching Assistant, Business Research Methods: data analysis and predictive analytics with R programming.
My research interests cross Economics with Data Analysis, Computational Methods and Urban Planning.
During the pandemic, I developed the topic of Programming the Logic of Space by introducing Logic Programming with Prolog in space syntax analyses. The output was a poster and several computer programs, papers, book chapters and presentations, namely, in the 13th International Space Syntax Symposium, Bergen, Norway, June 2022, condensed in the website www.sswprolog.net
Nevertheless, the main topic of my research and professional practice is nowcasting/forecasting the Portuguese GDP as Senior Economist at NECEP. I have been developing a new topic, Forecasting with Dynamic Programming (DP), whose objective is to develop a DP algorithm that learns with data. This research explores the frontier between Neuro-Dynamic Programming (NDP) and Reinforcement Learning (RL), following the contributions of Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis (1996), Bertsekas (2012, 2019, 2022), Sutton and Barto (1998/2018) and Szepesvari (2010). The goal is to extend the theoretical macroeconomic framework of Ljungqvist and Sargent (2018) and Hansen and Sargent (2013), namely, the linear quadratic regulator problem, in a practical and empirical way.
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